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Chrononium @mrpibbs1


Being cool

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Joined on 6/16/06

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mrpibbs1's News

Posted by mrpibbs1 - April 1st, 2013

after like 4 years in the making.
tricked ya boi april fools
get tricked nic

There comes a time in a man's life when he says "I could make rEALMS3. It was like halfway done. But no, no, it's time to 'move on'. Maybe. Who knows what will happen next, what insane thing the infuriating Mickey D Porner is thinking up. Whatever it is, it's probably better than what rEALMS3 was going to be... The average human being can never concieve that , and I know I'll regret saying this, but the plastic cup lead me to believe that business may be kind of fun, however there is no conclusive evidence to prove this."
The man who says these things is probably smart. He probably knows a lot about the inner workings of the virulent force known as Tettigoniid 01. What this force is comprised of is unknown. People, probably, but "who" and "how many" are unanswerable questions. No one even knows what they do, but they're there, and everyone knows. I once thought it was the wind, but I believe I was mistaken.

does anyone come to this page anymore?

realms 3 released

Posted by mrpibbs1 - February 16th, 2010

A movie I'm directing with Steven Spielberg called "Wizard" starring Vin Diesel as "The Punisher"

Closing statements:
If you're going to

The second encounter of the silly man

Posted by mrpibbs1 - November 16th, 2009

A man by the name of Twenty-Two is adrift in time.
He is the only one free on this planet besides Jeeni... Jeeni had trapped everyone else. He had put them on tracks going in loops. Some loops large, some small. No one could leave the tracks. It was by law Jeeni had left one person off the tracks and able to move freely. It just happened to be Twenty-Two... And Twenty-Two had decided it was the time to find his inner self by going on a "spirit festival". This is where one goes out into seclusion until they appear a spirit festival of ghosts. Twenty-Two was ready to get the shit going. He was off into a world no one had discovered yet. A world of spirit festivals #36. There were only 35 records of anyone ever even attempting a spirit festival. Some didn't survive that long or long enough to tell the tale. Maybe Twenty-Seven will die. Maybe Jeeni would restrict him on the tracks so he could not go... Even behind those types of strange odds, Twenty-Seven has to go and try to experience a spirit festival. It's most likely his destiny...

That right there is a part of rEALMS 3 I'm working at.
A story after a story about a man, this story about a different man.
You can actually experience spirit festivals in rEALMS3. How cool could that be? About Twenty-Two cool points. Get it, his name is numbers, and numbers are capable of rating things.

The Story of Twenty-Two

Posted by mrpibbs1 - October 24th, 2009

It appears it is 3:51 AM.
Later today I will try to get both Uncharted: Drake's Fortune anddddddddd Uncharted 2: Among Thieves because i really need those games.
Speaking of games. rEALMS3. Even though it's taking soooooooo long, I will assure you, the games to come after rEALMS3 will come quick because I'm already working on them.
Well now its 4:40 AM so I'm going to sleep.

EDIT: Ah holy shit the GameCrazy I always go to is fucking closing down because of shit! Well at least everything was 50% off. buttttttt they didnt have Uncharted 1 or 2. So I went next door to Fred Meyers then got Uncharted 2 there. They didn't have Uncharted 1 there though so I went to some other GameCrazy and bought it there. Well fuck its pretty awesome.


Posted by mrpibbs1 - September 27th, 2009


And then...

Posted by mrpibbs1 - September 19th, 2009

We are talking about the olden day pirates right? Not the new ones that are just poor africans(maybe other people)
Oh yeah my promise has been broken its going to be longer
Also I got Fatal Frame 1, 2 and 3, and so far, it aint that scary.. hope it gets scarier RJREHJJRJRK
Shit they saw me gotta run

What is this pirate speak day

Posted by mrpibbs1 - August 30th, 2009

Well if you don't know already, my Xbox 360...
has aids.
So I sent him in to get all fixed up. Luckily I still have my PC, and my ps3 and Batman Arkham Asylum and all those other games (I have about a million)

Oh yeah I beat Batman Arkham Asylum too and it turns out that Joker is really gay. He kind of jokes about it at the start always nagging the guards to do a... *ahem*.. full cavity search. He's also always saying he's willing to drop his pants for something I don't even

Oh yeah Keenan you know that picture of that business man you found? Well I was watching an episode of Tim and Eric and they used that picture ahhhhhhhhhhhh i was so alarmed it was like a saw a ghost!

I also just "bought" Call of Cthulhu: Dark boners of the Earth for my PC. I'm going to play that in a moment. Or actually I'm going to go on Garrysmod...

Also, I keep thinking I'm going to get killed by a small men in my hallway


Posted by mrpibbs1 - August 12th, 2009

Well I'll be honest with you. rEALMS3 is coming along very slowly. The reason for that is there is so much other stuff going on and I'm sooo lazy. Some of the other distracting things I'm doing are: Making about 3 or 4 other games and I have a ton of video games and shit I'm always playing them. Speaking of which, I just recently played the Batman: Arkham Asylum demo and it's totally fun and I'm glad I preordered because I get a T shirt and a mother fuckin' batarang. Some other stuff is I'm kind of making a map in Hammer Editor. I'm also doing some music stuff, trying to end 2 songs... Also I came up with the most amazing spectacular idea for a video game with my friend and we've built on it alot though I'm
annoyed because it's something that would be hard to make. As in it's a first person shooter. Well not quite shooter because it's mostly melee weapons, guns would be kind of rare. See, it would be an Action/Horror/Comedy/Stealth/Fighting game. The only thing I could do to make that game would to design the game world(it would be open world) and music and maybe some voice work. I might try studying some bigger stuff to be able to make those kinds of games for later on. But for now I should finish rEALMS3. Just to let you know, R3 is extremely higher quality than R2 and R1. Really extremely.

Alrighto, I'm going to go take a freezing cold shower and then I'm going to do some rEALMS3 and jackov and others
Hmmm.... how about a picture

Jeez man

Posted by mrpibbs1 - July 21st, 2009

Anyway I've been playing alot of Postal 2 lately and I'm having a good time..
So rEALMS3 you asked? Jeez well I'm kinda lazy... just wait 100 years or something for it Jesus Christ.
Man... I need to add some Mexican jokes in rEALMS3... That's what Jeff Goldblum told me to do, so I'll do it. I mean, come on, look at the guy. How can you not trust him?
I might be releasing some new music soon.
Some peni
So I was outside in the hot sun and I saw some hot babes and I was all cool like and said "Hey, you wanna come back to my house and have some sex?" Obviously they said yes and it was the best day ever.
rEALMS3 Screenshot, dude.

A Huge Rapist

Posted by mrpibbs1 - July 3rd, 2009

Jeff Goldblum is confirmed to be in rEALMS3 as the golden practitioner.
Also Bernie Mac is confirmed to be in every movie in existence. It is true, don't ask me how I found out but he is in every single movie. It might seem strange, because you think he's dead. Well he's not.
Jeff Goldblum,
