So I was playing the Resident Evil 5 demo that isn't even in America yet last night....
That game is fun as hell. But lemme tell you the whole story. So quite a while ago I made a Japanese Xbox live account so I could download the Ninja Gaiden 2 demo before it was out in America. And I did. And I downloaded many many more things from Japan and had a cool time and stuff. Then later(A couple days ago), I went on my Japanese account again to try and download the RE5 demo. It didn't work, saying I needed a gold account. So I looked in my GTA4 case and found a month free Xbox live gold account pass thing and put in the code on my Xbox. There! Now my Japanese account had gold for a month. So I went and downloaded the RE5 demo....But its not over yet...
When I tried to play it, it said my Xbox's region code was incorrect, as in, the demo was only for people who bought their Xbox's from Japan! FUCK!!!!
So I did some research, and found out i needed a modchip in my Xbox for it to work.
Fuck that! It voids the warranty, and I have a 5 year warranty. So I went to....!
Of course! I downloaded a RE5 demo torrent and put some folder on a CD.
It works! Awesome coloiolol bro
Oh, uh rEALMS3 is coming along slowly but surely. I have to get over the hump.
Oh, uh teaser trailer is gord coming along too getting over humps.
theatrical trailer is not made at all.
Pajama monster trailer almost done.
What else....
Oh, uh music.
I'm making over 9000 songs but not finishing any of them...
I guess thats it
OH! I forgot ! A picture! I need a picture to go with my post!
How about a rEALMS3 screenshot?
I got over the hump
RE5 huh, I don't have any next gen consoles right now, but I'm considering a 360 just for that game, and get realms3 out, you know how I love pointlessly clicking for hours on end
Yeah get a 360 cuz they're pretty cool, dawg.
I am so i will get rEALMS3 out as fast as a genetically modified rabbit fused with a jaguar going down a ski jump under better than alright conditions.